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How to Live in Light not darkness?

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  • Bev March 25, 2020, 1:54 am

    Thanks Calvin for this reminder that there is still light in the midst of all we live in these days and that we are light for one another. I shall take that with me this week.

  • Rena March 25, 2020, 7:40 am

    Thanks for your message! It is scary times! We are children of the light! And we can all be a reflection.He is with us!

  • Cheryl March 26, 2020, 1:25 pm

    The dark always comes before the light, in the beginning…. This was a reminder that we must keep going, no matter what. Everyone is joined together in this!

  • Erhard Pinno March 28, 2020, 5:34 pm

    It is so wonderful to see on the news the many different and creative ways in which people around the world are reaching out to help neighbours and strangers. Thank you Pastors Bev and Calvin for keeping in touch with a word of hope.

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