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Generations of Generosity

Messiah has a living endowment of faithful members with abundant gifts, and varied talents, whose mission is to share Jesus Christ with all people.

We believe, teach and confess that everything we have is a gift from God entrusted to our nurture and care, and that the Christian life is a life of stewardship. (Evangelical Declaration of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada)

Endowment Funds

Messiah has two endowment funds: the Mission Endowment Fund and the Panoptic Mission Endowment Fund. The Mission Endowment Fund was created by our congregation at our 2005 Annual General Meeting. Its purpose is to fund new mission initiatives by Messiah. The Panoptic Mission Endowment Fund is to fund on-going missions of Messiah.

Interest from these funds are for missions of Messiah. Members can recommend to the Support Committee once a year what mission of Messiah the accrued interest may be applied to. That  recommendation is carried forward to Council which is then brought to the Annual Meeting.

At the beginning of each year, members are invited to suggest projects to be funded by the interest earned by the Funds. Members present at the Annual General Meeting decide which project or projects will be funded.


Online Support can achieved through this link: